Opening Keynote: Re-Imaging the Future in the Age of Digital Transformation

17 May 2019
09:15 - 10:00
Room 1 + 2

Opening Keynote: Re-Imaging the Future in the Age of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation pervades all aspects of reality in an accelerating pace. We are entering a new digital world, which is so far unknown to us. Every physical entity, which is connected to the internet, establishes a digital shell – a representation in the digital world. In cyberspace the limitations of space and time lose their effect. Digital entities can be connected to any other regardless of their location, information can be copied without cost and the exchange of information happens instantly. Such a transformation has significant effect on how our societies, businesses and governments work. Because of that, new business models emerge and challenge established companies. More and more complex information needs to be gathered, analyzed and made sense of. So far, only a small fraction of our society is ready for such a paradigmatic shift. However, the future does not wait. Our society has to get ready for up-to-date digital infrastructure, a data-driven economy and new administrative means to shape adequate regulation for innovation. Most and for all, every single citizen needs to be equipped with the general knowledge such transformation requires. It will become increasingly important that education facilities and workplaces take advantage of the properties of internet technologies to enable everybody to stay ahead of the latest developments, to shape their personal future and not be swept away by the digital tide.